Article Type: Article
Appendix: The Books of Janice Holt Giles with Brethren in Christ Context
Janice Holt Giles and the “White Caps” of Kentucky, Part 3
Response and Influence

Janice Holt Giles and the “White Caps” of Kentucky, Part 1
A Novelist Portrays the Brethren in Christ
Janice Holt Giles (1905-1979) has more to say about the Brethren in Christ than any other novelist or popular writer; in fact, she stands alone. Her 25 books, written from 1950 to 1975, sold four million copies in her lifetime, and some remain in print and have recently attracted more
Introduction: Planting Seeds
A Missionary Story
How in the World Have We Changed?
Can a Congregation Be the Church?
The Brethren in Christ in a Postmodern Age
Why I Serve at the Denominational Level
Responses to Roger Olson
The Future of Denominations in the Twenty-First Century
In the Image of the Creator
Evangelical Theology and the Peace Position
Alternating Currents and Multi-Directional Ministry
Global Anabaptism and Its Challenge to the North American Church
Results of 2014 Global Anabaptist Profile
Brethren in Christ Church in the U.S.
The Global Anabaptist Profile (GAP) is a multi-nation research project led by John Roth (Goshen College) and Conrad Kanagy (Elizabethtown College) on behalf of Mennonite World Conference. The Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism (ISGA) at Goshen College. sponsored the project. The results of the project were shared more
Tracing the Trajectory of the Brethren in Christ Peace Position in the United States

Does Church Membership Still Matter?
Reflections on "Belonging" in Twenty-first Century Christianity
If I could choose an alternative title for this article, it would be: “The Nones, the Priests, and the Future of the Church.” The reason for this change will become apparent in a bit, but for now let us start with “nones.” No, I’m not misspelling the word nun—although more