Books available through the Brethren in Christ Historical Society include full-length biographies; anthologies of stories, essays, and shorter biographies; institutional histories; and children’s books. If you’re looking for a title not listed below, contact the Society.

Stories and Scenes from a Brethren in Christ Heritage
By E. Morris Sider
The stories and scenes in this book reflect the heritage the Brethren in Christ have received from their spiritual ancestors. Included in this volume are stories of courtship and family life, conversion and confession, evangelism and baptism, peace and forgiveness and more. Scenes from events in the life of the church—love feasts, General Conferences, youth conferences, Bible conferences— illustrate the group’s strong sense of Christian community.

Blest Be The Tie That Binds: Studies in Global Brethren in Christ Faith and Culture
By Dwight W. Thomas
Blest Be the Tie That Binds offers a variety of studies in global Brethren in Christ faith and culture. Over several decades, Dwight W. Thomas, an ethnomusicologist by training and experience, has produced ground-breaking research and writing on the Brethren in Christ Church. The book illustrates the author’s eclectic interests, including music and the artistic impulse, faith and life, global distinctives, biography and local history, and technology and processes of transmission.

Living Simply, Giving Generously A Biography of David & Jeannie Byer
By E. Morris Sider

Celebrations and Convictions Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Luke L. Keefer, Jr.
By J. Robert Douglass and Wyndy Corbin Reuschling
The contributors to this volume of essays in honor of Luke L. Keefer, Jr. knew Luke as a friend, colleague, mentor, pastor, and professor, and they celebrate his life in these chapters. The essays also explore certain convictions as a celebration of Luke’s legacy: historic commitments to the centrality of Scripture and to nonviolence and peacemaking; deep commitments to Christian unity, missional church life, and kingdom ethics; renewed practices of spirituality and mentoring, especially for women and men called to Christian leadership; and a deeper appreciation for the privilege and calling to discipleship.

Worthy of the Calling Biographies of Paul and Lela Swalm Hostetler, Harvey and Erma Heise Sider, Luke Jr. and Doris Bowman Keefer
By Beth Hostetler Mark, AnnaRuth Sider Osborne, Devin Manzullo-Thomas
Worthy of the Calling traces the lives of three couples who served the Brethren in Christ Church as pastors, missionaries, and educators. Through their lives may be seen the changes that occurred in their denomination in the last half of the twentieth century. The biographies all emphasize the importance of heritage, family, and marital companions.