The Historical Society welcomes donations to support our work. Online donations are temporarily unavailable. To donate by mail, send your check payable to “Brethren in Christ Historical Society” to:
Brethren in Christ Historical Society
c/o Lancaster Brethren in Christ Church
1865 Fruitville Pike
Lancaster PA 17601
Please indicate on the memo line how you would like to designate your donation.
General Contributions to the Historical Society
The Historical Society welcomes contributions to its general fund. These contributions are most likely to be used in one of two ways: 1) to provide memberships to Brethren in Christ people beyond Canada and the United States and to help with the significant postage costs associated with those memberships, and 2) to assist with the publication of books, including research and production costs.
Thank you to Dr. E. Morris Sider
E. Morris Sider is the pre-eminent Brethren in Christ historian, and the Historical Society is grateful for how he has recorded our history. Currently, the Society is working on two books related to him and his life and work. The first is a book of stories written by Morris himself about his life. The second is a commissioned biography of his life, to be written by Devin Manzullo-Thomas.
If you would like to say thank you to Morris for his lifetime of writing Brethren in Christ History, we invite you to contribute to the two publishing projects. Those who contribute will be recognized as follows in the printed volumes:
Contributor: $100 or less; Sponsor: $101.00 to $250.00; Patron: $251.00 to $500.00; Benefactor: $501.00 and up.
Brown Sugar Sandwiches and Other Stories
Brown Sugar Sandwiches and Other Stories: Memories from My Life, by E. Morris Sider. Price: $10. Please include the total for the number of copies you would like, plus $3.20 for one book and $1.50 for each additional book to cover postage and handling. Canadian customers: please add $16.00 for postage and handling (postage is very high from the U.S. to Canada!).
For example: one book: $13.20 ($10 + $3.20); two books: $24.70 ($20 + $4.70); three books: $36.20 ($30 + $6.20). For Canadian customers: one book: $26 ($10 + $16)