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Some More Thoughts on Being American and Anabaptist

statue-of-libertyYesterday’s post garnered a lot of comments, likes, and re-posts, both on the blog and on The Search for Piety and Obedience Facebook page. Thanks to all of you who responded with thoughts, comments, and affirmation. I sense that many readers of the blog also feel the tension of being American and confessing Anabaptism.

In the spirit of extending the conversation, here’s a roundup of articles from around the web that I found both creative and life-giving in their quest to be faithful to the way of Christ in an American context:

  • Religion News Service columnist Jonathan Merritt has some good stuff to say about the perils of embracing “American exceptionalism” (hint: it’s bad theology).
  • Like me, Ben Corey has a hard time understanding why American Christians are so resistant to the concept of “enemy love” — even though its biblical!

Readers: Feel free to share any articles you find helpful on this topic in the Comments below!

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