Article Type: Article
Experiences in Christian Community
Sympathy and Disfavor
The Brethren in Christ and Civil Rights, 1950-1965
Evaluating Missionary Work

Voyage on the Zamzam
A Missionary Diary, March 20, 1941 to June 25, 1941
Introduction During World War II, travel was difficult for missionaries because of the German presence in the Atlantic Ocean. Many missionaries were not able either to come back to the United States and Canada for their regularly scheduled furloughs or to go to the mission field. In March 1941, however, more
Expanding the Narrative
World War I Conscientious Objectors in Their Own Words

A Lasting Legacy
E. J. Swalm's Story of Conscientious Objection During World War 1
Ernest John Swalm was born in 1897 on a farm in Duntroon, Ontario, about 60 miles north of Toronto. His father, Isaac, was a Brethren in Christ pastor and bishop. His mother, Alice Sammons, was Mennonite Brethren prior to her marriage to Isaac.Ernest grew up with the teaching of more