Article Type: Article
A Pilgrim’s Pietism
The 1-W Experience: Five Stories from New Hampshire in the 1960s
“Unity in DIversity”: Negotiating Communal Boundaries in the Brethren in Christ Church, 1935-1950
One of God’s Avenues of Progress: Exploring the Outcomes of the Evangelical Visitor

Follow Peace and Holiness
My parents were converts to peace and holiness. My father grew up in a family that was anything but peaceful. Growing up my father told many stories about his family. On one occasion, after my grandmother received a black eye from my grandfather, my father and uncle warned Grandpa more
Shrinking Your Church to Discover the Kingdom
A History of Sikalongo Mission, Part 3
Heresy: A Troublesome Word
Why Christian Nonconformity Matters: Church, Society, and Our Racially Organized Lives
The Liberty of Holiness: Nonconformity as Belonging
Improvising Faithfulness: A Brief History of Brethren in Christ Nonconformity
Remembering and Practicing Our Identity

Called to be a Homemaker
Foreword My mother, Harriet Catherine Bohen Bert, would be amazed and probably a little embarrassed to find her memories being read by such a large audience! I seriously believe that she wrote this record for herself more than for others. It was her way of processing her life. In more
A History of Sikalongo Mission, Part 2