Professor Ira E. Miller taught English at Messiah Academy from 1944 to 1948. (He also served as acting dean and registrar from 1946-1948.) Today’s Photo Friday installment captures a scene from a course he taught during the school’s spring 1948 semester.
Take a close look: that’s future Messiah College president D. Ray Hostetter sitting in the third row from the front (he’s third from the left)!
Devin: This actually was the Sophmore College class taken in the spring of 1948.
Lela: Thanks for this clarification. I took the information from a caption accompanying the picture in the BIC/College Archives, so I’ll be sure to alert Glen Pierce to this correction, too. Glad to have you reading the blog.
Also, Lela — are you in this picture?
First one in the first row as you look at the picture