Due to the unexpected shutdown of Evangel Press/Board for Media Ministries earlier this year, the April 2013 issue of Brethren in Christ History and Life was severely delayed in its distribution.
Nevertheless, the issue is chock-full of great content — from a biography of late Brethren in Christ minister and bishop John Byers, to the papers from the 2012 Sider Institute study conference, “Why We Must Take Our History Seriously,” to a series of tributes written in honor of Brethren in Christ History and Life editor emeritus E. Morris Sider.
Here’s the table of contents:
– Harriet Sider Bicksler, Devin C. Manzullo-Thomas, Lester C. Fretz, Dori Steckbeck Landis, Wendell E. Harmon, Jonathan R. Stayer, Jonas Sauder, Clyde Martin, and Hannah Scott, “Tributes to Dr. E. Morris Sider”
– Harvey R. Sider, “True Servants: A Biography of John and Esther Byers”
– Richard T. Hughes, “Why We Must Take Our History Seriously”
– E. Morris Sider, ““Relating to Our Past: How Brethren in Christ Have Viewed Their History”
– Devin C. Manzullo-Thomas, Grace Holland, Alan Robinson, Kristine N. Frey, and Nate Hulfish, “Why We Must Take the Three (or Four) Streams in Our History Seriously: A Panel”
– Bob Verno, Hank Johnson, Pauline Peifer, Fred Miller, and Harvey R. Sider, “What Difference Can Our History Make for the Way We Do Ministry in Our Churches?: A Panel”
Readers: What are your favorite articles in this most recent issue of the journal, and why?