On October 24, 1964 — 46 years ago on Sunday — Northern Rhodesia officially became the Republic of Zambia, ending years of struggle between the ruling British and the African nationalists. Dr. Kenneth Kuanda became the nation’s first president.
Thirty-six hours before independence, four members of the Executive Committee of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) — a trans-denominational Christian organization — expressed their support for the new administration during a meeting with the soon-to-be-president.
Today’s Photo Friday installment captures a moment of their meeting.
Note the presence of Frank Kipe — bishop of the Brethren in Christ Church in Africa and chair of the EFZ — at the meeting.
I was at the national celebration in Lusaka on Oct 24, 1964 and it was a splendid and thrilling time. One of my treasured memories.