Today’s Photo Friday installment highlights a slice-of-life shot from Messiah College in the early 1950s: students and faculty gathering for a meal in the basement of Old Main, the site of the college’s dining hall until 1956. In that year, the hall was moved to the basement of the Alumni Auditorium.
A 2005 article in the Brethren in Christ Historical Society Newsletter highlighted this photo, with a note to readers: “Can you identify any of the students or faculty?” Perhaps placing it on the blog will result in more identifications.
Readers: Can you identify any of the students or faculty in this photo?
I think if I could see more of a closeup, I would recognize some because this would be around the years my parents were at Messiah. The students pictured here would be in their 70’s and 80’s now. It looks like they might be eating “family style.”
The second table–along the side facing the camera: the woman in the middle is Leoda Climenhaga, my aunt.
Karen–and anyone else: open the photo and then zoom. The resolution is good enough to see faces more clearly.