“What Is an Evangelical?” (Redux)
Some more thoughts, via Messiah College historian John Fea, on the definition of the term "Evangelical." ...read more
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Some more thoughts, via Messiah College historian John Fea, on the definition of the term "Evangelical." ...read more
Short reflections on the recent Brethren in Christ Theological Study Group gathering on Brethren in Christ theological identity. ...read more
Today's Photo Friday depicts an understudied -- yet vitally important -- aspect of Brethren in Christ religious life in the 1960s and 1970s: the Church Growth movement. ...read more
Answering a difficult question with Messiah College professor John Fea....read more
A new book on Billy Graham sheds light on a religious figure who decisively shaped American culture in the 20th century -- as well as many religious communities, like the Brethren in Christ. ...read more
Today's Photo Friday post offers a snapshot of an uncommon sight: megachurch-style worship at a gathering of Anabaptist-minded Christians from many denominations! ...read more
That's the question missiologist Daryl Climenhaga is trying to answer in a current research project. Follow his progress! ...read more
Theologian Roger E. Olson reflects on the shifts within Evangelicalism. I try to assess his argument vis-a-vis the Brethren in Christ. ...read more
More follow up on Christians, nationalism, and celebrating "Independence Day" -- this time from a decidedly Evangelical perspective. ...read more
A few Brethren in Christ-related links that caught my attention over the past weeks....read more
In the spirit of extending yesterday's conversation about the tension of being American and confessing Anabaptism -- especially on national holidays -- here's a roundup of articles on the topic. ...read more
Most readers know Ernest L. Boyer, Sr. as an educational pioneer, Messiah College supporter, and son of the Brethren in Christ Church. But did you also know that he briefly served as a missionary pastor in the 1950s? ...read more
Some thoughts on the influence of the Jesus People movement on the Brethren in Christ Church. ...read more
In September 2014, the Brethren in Christ Historical Society will publish a new book of Brethren in Christ biographies. This post -- the second in a series -- focuses on author Beth Mark and explores her writing about one of the biographee couples, Paul and Lela (Swalm) Hostetler. ...read more
A report on Messiah College senior Brooke Strayer's presentation on the trajectory of the Brethren in Christ peace position in the 20th century. ...read more