Examining Brethren in Christ Theological Identity
Short reflections on the recent Brethren in Christ Theological Study Group gathering on Brethren in Christ theological identity. ...read more
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Short reflections on the recent Brethren in Christ Theological Study Group gathering on Brethren in Christ theological identity. ...read more
John Wesley! ...read more
if you agree that most Brethren in Christ think of our "peace position" as a conviction emerging from our Anabaptist heritage alone, think again: some new books suggest that Holiness and Pentecostal groups might have embraced a peace position, too. ...read more
Today's Photo Friday features a lighthearted image from the educational ministry of Luke L. Keefer, Jr. ...read more
What are your favorite articles in this most recent issue of the "Brethren in Christ History and Life" journal?...read more
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church -- especially churches shaped by both Anabaptism and Pietism? ...read more
Does Evangelicalism "water down" our theological "brew"? Or are Anabaptism, Pietism, and Wesleyanism the real "flavor-takers"? ...read more
A snippet from my research into the life and legacy of Luke L. Keefer Jr., a long-time theologian, historian, and church leader among the Brethren in Christ. ...read more
What are your favorite articles in this most recent issue of the "Brethren in Christ History and Life" journal? ...read more
A few Brethren in Christ-related links that caught my attention over the past weeks....read more
A quote to make you think, courtesy of nineteenth-century Brethren in Christ evangelist John R. Zook. ...read more
Popular holiness evangelist Lafayette Shoalts takes new converts "down to the river" in today's Photo Friday installment. ...read more
Church historian E. Morris Sider describes a mid-century meeting of Brethren in Christ leaders that served as "a catalyst for change" in the conservative fellowship....read more
Today's Photo Friday takes readers inside the home of John and Mary Zook, vocal proponents of Holiness theology within the nineteenth-century Brethren in Christ Church....read more
In honor of my recent move to the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, here's a photo post showing scenes from the Brethren in Christ Church's long-standing Philadelphia Mission....read more